The use of tooth whitening products containing 0.1 to 6 % hydrogen peroxide entails potential risks.
With increasing concentration of hydrogen peroxide and frequency of application there will be an increasing risk linked to the use of these products and it cannot be anticipated what the exposure would be if the products were to be freely and directly available to the consumer.
Available data does not allow determining a level of hydrogen peroxide and a frequency of application that would result in exposure which would be considered safe for the consumer. Independent long-term safety evaluations are needed.
The potential risk can be reduced if the absence of risk factors and the proper use are ensured by a dentist:
Independent long-term safety evaluations should be performed, because good clinical data and long-term epidemiological studies that assess the possible adverse effects within the mouth are lacking.1
Potential health risks of tooth whitening products to children and adolescents could not be assessed due to the absence of specific data.
Tooth whitening products containing more than 6% hydrogen peroxide are not considered safe for use by the consumer. More...
1 Read the SCCP’s
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