
Table 3.9: Unfavourable reports received to marketed toothpaste with 0.75% hydrogen peroxide in the period 1995-1997(unpublished company data)

Unfavourable report Number
1 Not included in total reactions
2 Injury from opening container
Cuts/scrapes 12 1, 2
Splashes into eyes/face 31 1, 2
Swallowed product 206 1
Use complaints 194 1
Swallowed product with reaction (vomiting/cramps) 17
“Allergic” reactions 53
Rashes/hives 78
Itches 16
Skin irritations 75
Mouth irritations 523
Chapped mouth area/dry skin 7
Nausea 18
Stinging 9
Inhalation/coughing 1
Use complaints with unfavourable reactions 180

Source: SCCP  Opinion on Hydrogen peroxide, in its free form or when released, in oral hygiene products (2007), p.43

Related publication:
Tooth Whiteners homeTooth Whiteners & Oral Hygiene Products containing hydrogen peroxide
Other Figures & Tables on this publication:

Table 3.1: Summary of in vitro genotoxicity of hydrogen peroxide (IARC, 1999)

Table 3.2. Summary of in vivo genotoxicity of hydrogen peroxide (ECB, 2003)

Table 3.3. Incidence of gastro-duodenal lesions in C57BL/6J mice after receiving hydrogen peroxide in the drinking water (Ito et al., 1981)

Table 3.4. Incidence of duodenal tumours in 4 strains of female mice treated with 0.4% H2O2 in drinking water (Ito et al., 1984)

Table 3.5. Effect on gastro-duodenal carcinogenesis induced by MNNG (Takahashi et al, 1986)

Table 3.6: Hydrogen peroxide exposure in mouse dermal and hamster check pouch tumour promotion assays following initiation by with DMBA

Table 3.7: Summary of clinical studies using hydrogen peroxide toothpastes

Table 3.8: Adverse events in clinical trials with toothpastes containing up to 3% hydrogen peroxide (unpublished company data)

Table 3.9: Unfavourable reports received to marketed toothpaste with 0.75% hydrogen peroxide in the period 1995-1997(unpublished company data)

Table 3.10: Summary of human safety data of hydrogen peroxide in mouth-rinses

Table 3.11: Unfavourable reports received to marketed mouth-rinse with 0.75% hydrogen peroxide in the period 1995-1997 (unpublished company data)

Table 3.12. Available hydrogen peroxide in the saliva during the first 30 and 60 minutes

Table 3.13. Concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the strip, at the teeth, at the gingival, and in the saliva during the first 60 minutes.