About the GreenFacts Co-Publications

What is a GreenFacts Co-Publication?

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A GreenFacts Co-Publication is a faithful summary of an authoritative scientific report on an environmental or health topic. It is produced under contract with the DG Health and Consumers (SANCO) of the European Commission. Like the GreenFacts Digests, the Co-Publications are peer-reviewed by independent experts. However, the peer review and entire publication process of the Co-Publications is controlled by the DG Sanco (rather than by the GreenFacts Scientific Board). More about GreenFacts Co-Publications

How do the Co-Publications work?

GreenFacts publications are designed to be published online as questions and answers, using GreenFacts copyrighted Three-Level Structure of increasing detail. This allows readers to choose the level of detail that best suits their needs. The whole Co-Publication, including the Level 1, the Level 2 (the detailed summary), and the Level 3 (the source document), are published both on the European Commission's website and on copublications.greenfacts.org. The Co-Publications are available in several languages.

GreenFacts is an independent, multi-stakeholder non-profit organization based in Belgium. Our mission is to bring complex scientific reports on health and the environment to the reach of non-specialists. We publish two types of faithful summaries of scientific reports: GreenFacts Digests (which are authorized by the GreenFacts Scientific Board), and GreenFacts Co-Publications (which are published at the request of the DG Health and Consumers (SANCO) of the European Commission).

More about GreenFacts