
Table 3: Some developmental milestones of young children up to 6 years of age

(taken from a larger list of milestones in Berk 2005, see also Berk 2009)

Age Motoric development Cognitive development Emotional/social
7 - 12 months - Can sit, crawl and walk
- Uses refined pincette grip
- Perception of deepness
and patterns improve
- Shows intentional and goal directed behaviour
- Finds objects hidden in one place
- Imitates behaviour of adults with objects
- Solves simple problems by analogy
- Shows clear attachment pattern with main
supervising person
- Uses caregiver as secure base for explorations
13 - 18 months - Improved coordination of walking
- Manipulates little objects with improved
- Experiments with
objects in a "trial and error" way
- Finds objects hidden in more than one place
- Categorizes objects
- Speaks first words
- Follows simple orders
- Recognizes itself in a mirror
- Participates in play with
parents and siblings
19 - 24 months - Jumps, running and climbs
- Manipulates little objects
with good coordination
- Ability to find an object
moved while out of sight - Plays as-if games
- Categorizes objects
more effectively - Knows about 200 words
- Self-conscious emotions
emerge (1-2 years) - Self-control appears
- Categorizes itself and others on the basis of age, sex, bodily features and being good or bad
2 years - Balance and walking coordination improve
- Running, jumping, throwing and catching develop
- Skilful use of spoons
- As-if play is getting more complex
- Recognition memory is well developed
- Understands the difference between internal cognitive and external physical events
- A self-concept and selfesteem start to develop
- Cooperation and instrumental aggression appear
- Understands causes, effects and expressions of basic emotions
3 - 4 years - Running, jumping, throwing and catching
- Uses tricycle
- Uses scissors
- Basic understanding of causality in familiar situations
- Classifies familiar objects hierarchically
- Is aware of some significant written symbols
- Counts small amounts of objects
- Emotional self-regulation is improving
- Play becomes more interactive
- Differentiates moral rules, social conventions and personal affairs
5 - 6 years - Jumping, throwing and catching mature
- Can bind shoe strings, write names and make complex drawings
- Ability to differentiate between appearance and
reality improves
- Remembering and memory improves
- Simple additions and subtractions
- Knows about 10,000 words and uses many complex grammatical
- Ability to interpret and predict emotional
reactions of others improves
- Has taken up many morally relevant rules and behaviours

Source: SCCS,  Opinion on the potential health risks posed by chemical consumer products resembling food and/or having child-appealing properties, (2011),
Annex III, p.39

Related publication:
Accidental poisoning homeProducts that resemble foods and appeal to children Potential risks of accidental ingestion
Other Figures & Tables on this publication:

Table 2: Household chemical consumer products commonly ingested by children

Table 3: Some developmental milestones of young children up to 6 years of age

Table 4: Physiological changes in the elderly

Table 5: Indicative categories and chemical ingredients of cosmetic products

Table 6: Chemicals in food- resembling/child-appealing household products (based on ingredient listing of common household products)

Table 7: Alkalis and acids frequently found in household products

Annex I: Pictures of consumer products resembling food and/or having child- appealing properties

Annex II: Case reports involving children and CPRF or CAP